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About the Nation of Domination

The Nation of Domination is a group of friends who came together on the battlefield, and Cybertronian heroes. Our loyalty and friendship is indivisible, and our strength is unequaled. We came together as friends, and now, winning simply comes to us. We play for these wins, and equally as important, for each other. Welcome to the website of the NOD, the most competitive, powerful and passionate warriors of Cybertron! 


Long live the NOD! 

A college reporter wrote a story on the Nation of Domination and interviewed GEARS1984, mdutcher1, and Deceptichick2323.


Since the birth of video games in 1972 with Pong, the industry of video games has grown exponentially. Systems have developed so much in the past 40 years that it is futuristic where we are today. In 1977, Atari released the very first gaming console to play at home, extending games from arcades to the living room. Then in 1985, we got the Nintendo Entertainment system, which brought games together like never before. Sega, Sony and Microsoft later joined the competition, and the video game world blew up.


Today, in 2014, the current generation of video games is online multiplayer. With the growing community of players, you can connect with anyone in the world, as long as you share the game and the system it is on.The world of video games have turned into a community, a social medium in which people connect and develop strong relationships that can last a lifetime. Friendships are made, friendships are destroyed, and it reflects society in a sense that people are different on a game than they are in their real life.


Many gamers form together and make clans or groups and play with each other on a regular basis.Some current gamers online have come together and formed a group known as “The Nation of Domination” and have been playing together for over a year.They all live in different parts of the country and all play together on a daily basis. One Gamer, GEARS1984 lives in California, while another, mdutcher1 lives in Virginia. A female gamer known as Deceptichick2323 lives in Florida, and the three of them all play together along with many others.


Gears1984, the leader of the group believes it is commodity while playing video games with people who are pretty much anonymous, that make the game fun.They find a connection with, and have spontaneous fun with people you don’t know, and spending hours with people, everyday its different, a new experience Gears1984 said.


The game has enhanced him, if he hadn't have met these people online, he would be doing the same thing as before, paying bills, spending time with his girlfriend, not much else besides those activities, and this game has brought him closer to himself and with others."I can identify more with my friends here, more than people in the real world, "Gears1984 said, "you can reveal a little bit about yourself".


Gears1984 says he doesn't know many people in his area who plays games as much as him, besides his nephews and a co-worker. Gaming isn't as advertised as other activities, it's not as talked about, therefore it's hard to find people locally who play as well.


people that share similar interests, if they buy the game, they are already in contact with someone with something similar, so odds are, they’ll find someone they can make friends with Gears1984 said.


"This is a new kind of experience, I grew up with friends doing things like skating, basketball, and i think this is still relevant, you are in contact, you have to listen to them, it is new to me." Gears1984 stated.People can make friends, depending on how they use it, where they come from as a person, if they come as an evil person, scheming, they will not get anything good from it Gears1984 said.


"I come from the old school of meeting people outside, I think that ultimately, has more weight", Gears1984 commented "but since being on here, in my opinion, can be more intimate".


Gears1984 believes that the personalities on here are microcosms of who you really are, that people demonstrate their true identity by their actions in video games."There's something about gaming in a room with a big screen T.V and a headset, that people have to listen, they cannot wonder,” Gears1984 added, “talking to them for hours, that creates something, it creates relationships and friendships".


Gears1984 added that it is something someone can’t have in the real world, it’s in a private place here.Gears1984 is happy to play this game with all of his friends, and he feels relaxed here, it's his realm. He says he's the creative type, and here is where he can release that."I feel great, I feel that I've been able to express myself more than i think anyone can in the real world or be shunned, that what I can do here, I can’t do in the outside world" Gears commented.


As the only girl in the group, and the most bubbly in character, Deceptichick2323 is happy that on the game she can act herself, and have a fun time doing it, all while being brought together with her friends, all with a common interest.Deceptichick2323 says she would be lonely if she had not met the people she plays with, and would have nothing to look forward to after school.


She says this is what gives life to her daily routine and builds to her social structure, which she lacks in at school.Deceptichick2323 thinks she gets new people every day, she meets new people, she may not make friends, but because its worldwide so she meet new people all the time."Friends on here, you’re less likely to lose, friends in real life you have to make effort to see everyday, but on here its more convenient" Deceptichick2323 added.


All of the friends she has made while playing this game have helped through hard times in a way by just distracting her from it and making her laugh."I think they have made me more sociable in real life, if people dont accept for me for who i am, screw them" Deceptichick2323 stated.


One of the oldest members of the group, being a father of three children, Mdutcher1 has grown a lot since he began playing with other members of the group and befriending them all.Mdutcher1 believes that this game, and all games are an escape from the stress of real life, and coming here to play gets his mind off things.


The fact that he's always busy, the time he does spend playing helps him balance the work and play. In his work area, he plays games the least, and according to Mdutcher1, when he first got his Playstation 3, he would borrow games from everyone in his workplace because about thirty people he works with are dedicated gamers."I wouldn't say its better than making friends in the real world, just different", Mdutcher1 said,"I crave different type of interactions, I blow stuff up here, and in reality I play laser tag, its not better or worse, its just different, and it satisfies a different social need".


Mdutcher1 also added that its a great way to meet like-minded people.Mdutcher1's friends help him deal with stress without knowing it, because being able to interact with people, and have a good laugh, is therapeutic. He gets ragged at work, but there he can let loose.


"I feel like I have gotten over my fear of internet people, I've learned the right ways to interact, a social growth". Mdutcher1 concluded.


The Nation of Domination includes these three people, but also about a dozen others, all who get along, talk and play almost everyday.

They are all connected on facebook and even have built a website, which describes them further as people, rather than players.The future of gaming is bringing people closer together, and someday, video games could be the means of peace.The Nation of Domination still plays together and their website describes them more. 


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