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The toughest, roughest female to reign in Cybertron..

That old cliche of 'women can't fight' can be discarded as history now. Bad history, in fact, because Deceptichick2323 can tangle with and defeat the best of them. 


Deceptichick is everyone's favorite evil killer and a long time member of NOD. Look for her on the field! 

Deceptichick2323 has been and always will be the reigning female in the group. Gears and Shin ran into her one day and instantly grew on her when they discovered she was a girl. Her skill on the battelfield proved tough to match and she was picked up and and befriended by them. She isn't a weakling, she can hold her own in a battle and loves sniping Bot's heads off. She is often misunderstood as depenedent on her teamates, but those assumptions are wrong, DC is an even greater warrior alone. Her character is dark, twisted, sinister and above all, Feminine and sassy. She is not the right person you want to run into on any game. If she's eating a PB&J and playing crisis, she'll pick you off easily. Tell ya what, you'd have more luck against one of the best guys on this game than her.



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