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The YEAR2084

It's the YEAR2084, and GEARS1984 is the hero who must defeat the new breed of transformers who have nearly wiped out the human race, and taken over the planet. With the help of the Nation of Domination, GEARS1984 will take down the enemy. 


ShinKOF218 has left behind his sword for GEARS to use, Deceptichick2323 has given Gears a shield, and Mr_Sweet_Tweet has left behind checkpoints for GEARS to respawn. Wintebow has left some ammo for any weapons GEARS may need, and Itachisasuke3000 is waiting to aide GEARS at the final boss stage. Mdutcher1 will teach GEARS abilitites as he goes, and I-Clutch-Honor has laid health and extra lives all over the place. Pyschokoala has given Gears an assault rifle, and Soupmotto left a machine gun. Eatarwndthebush has left behind a flamethrower, and MGDieselfu3l put his torches and jet fu3l around the map for GEARS. JDAX and Greenwasp joined together and made keys for GEARS to get through secret doors. Bet on red007 made sure GEARS would be protected with extra armor. Worldspinewurm has decided the sword ShinKOF218 gave GEARS wasnt big enough, and provided a bigger one. All other weapons were ones the decepticons left behind, in hopes someone would revolt againest the new tyrants.



1.directional buttons to move(up is jump)

2. Space bar to attack

3. shift to block

4.mouse is sometimes used for certain weapons.


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