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Meet the leader of the NATION OF DOMINATION and The King of Cybertron..

Welcome to the NOD website! As the fastest, and most fabulous  jet on Cybertron, I enjoy flying across acid lakes and crumbling rust cities while detecting meteor showers near Cybertronian space. That's why I carry an extra Recharger. 

Special Note: I'd like to thank all of my WFC and FOC friends that have made this gaming experience that much better. For me, it's a journey that started with my first Transformer figure purchased in 1984 and watching the Transformers Movie at the  theater in 1986.  Good times. Let the fun continue...

How did I come up with my name? Well, my first Transformers toy was Gears and it was given to me back in 1984. Thus began my Transformers journey that continues today.


As a Transformers fan, I  never expected to come full circle in experiencing the best that this brand has to offer. Watching TF:TM in the theater back in 1986 solidified my interest in the Transformers line. Now, as a graphic designer, and illustrator, I was definitely inspired by the originality of the tv show and toy line. 


"War For Cybertron" was the Transformers game I've waited for since 1984 and High Moon Studios delivered. Consequently, "Fall of Cybertron" was that much better and it introduced me to a whole new cast of friends that have created experiences that will last a lifetime. Thanks to my friends for making it awesome.

psssst. check out Gears true theme song

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